International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change
The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) is located at the Federal Institute of Hydrology in Koblenz, Germany. The centre supports the implementation of the “Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme” of UNESCO and the “Hydrology and Water Resources Programme” of WMO. It also coordinates the “Global Terrestrial Network – Hydrology” (a network of data centres), hosts the Global Water Quality Database GEMStat (under the auspices of UNEP), and is currently incorporating the “International Soil Moisture Network”, the largest database of global soil moisture data. The ICWRGC works in close cooperation with partners from the scientific community, performing collaborative research on the impact of global change (including climate change) on water resources, the water-food-energy nexus, the closure of the water cycle, and the Sustainable Development Goals. The centre also supplies its partners with customised data products, as a basis for scientific investigations, to improve operational skills, for policy advice and capacity development in the water sector. Furthermore, the centre offers educational activities, including supervision of students, internships and capacity building events.